ISO 22900 support?

Started by pupu14, January 25, 2024, 18:50:36



Do you have any plans to implement ISO-22900 API?  (can it be supported by v4.5/5.0 hardware at all..?)

I have found that there were a few attempts to make an open-source wrapper for J2534 tools, but development stalled.
Maybe you can find it of interest to implement this further for CtC. Links:

The main benefit of ISO-22900 support would be the ability to work with GM Tech2Win software - that's a lot of GM, Saab, Opel vehicles up to -2014 years.
Unfortunately I do not have any vehicles to test if the driver from first links is working with CtC.

Also I see that a lot of OEM soft uses D-PDU API anyway for their tools. I don't know if there would be any gains for other aftermarket tools..

I would like to hear your opinion on this topic Oleksandr (admin)!  :)


i have consider d-pdu support and investigated 22900 standards
on my opininion that is very strange standard's tree...
they want to add more osi levels to hardware adapter or to driver
22900 can be emulated over j2534


So, that's more like a "no" answer? Or "maybe in the future"?  :D


i definitely will not do it myself.
so i need to hire couple coders to do this job...
but i have serious doubts about the reasonability of this project