CANtieCAR installation problem.

Started by Archie, September 02, 2010, 22:07:13


Hi! Just bought CANtieCAR adapter and stuck with installation. First of all I have wiped out all FTDI drivers and have installed Adapter as instructed. Adapter was recognized by Configurator on COM4. After that I had installed Digiprog and device now is recognized as Digiprog USB Interface by Device Manager, but by CantieCAR configurator It's not recognized as USB device or any other device. On Configurator I've got COM6,7, 15....22 (Device\porte) and COM3 ( Winachsf0) and it's not recognizing any USB port. I have tried to install it on two computers with no luck. Both machines has Windows XP SP3 installed. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or what's wrong?


Quote from: Archie on September 02, 2010, 22:07:13
Hi! Just bought CANtieCAR adapter and stuck with installation. First of all I have wiped out all FTDI drivers and have installed Adapter as instructed. Adapter was recognized by Configurator on COM4. After that I had installed Digiprog and device now is recognized as Digiprog USB Interface by Device Manager, but by CantieCAR configurator It's not recognized as USB device or any other device. On Configurator I've got COM6,7, 15....22 (Device\porte) and COM3 ( Winachsf0) and it's not recognizing any USB port. I have tried to install it on two computers with no luck. Both machines has Windows XP SP3 installed. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or what's wrong?

no any FTDI drivers is present in your system
so it is present two decision of your problem...

1. Fast way - you can to find on CD-ROM and copy to the some folder
- CD\CANtieCAR.exe
- CD\Drivers\CDM 2.06.00\i386\tcd2xx.dll
CD\Drivers\CDM 2.06.00 WHQL Certified\i386\ftd2xx.dll

Run configurator from that forlder and use USB-port

2. Slow way
- disconnect CANtieCAR at USB
- press Button on CANtieCAR
- plug CANtieCAR in USB-port
- wait until windows would found usb-device
- release button
- your CANtieCAR in first Loopback mede (factory default)
- you have to ignore any led blinks until that

after any way you have to select all K-Line liked modes in series
it will be to install all possible drivers and in the future you would not to have any problems liked current


Thanks or quick replay. Get all working!


Still have some problems. At the moment get working KWP2000 software, Digiprog and Galleto software. Its working fine with no probs. Can't get working CMD software. I have tried on several cars and getting the same trouble. I'm setting configurator to CMD, then going to CMD application, then choozing car, model etc.. Next coming up popup window with - connect interface to car...connecting and nothing happening. After some time it's coming up with can't connect and restart application. That's all what I can get. Do You have any suggestions about that? May be I have done something wrong with installation?
It's taking a long time getting thru all that, because I'm full time worker and our workshop is pretty busy and I still have no time to play with VAG software....maybe this week...
And one more qestion. What about CAN based cars? I have tried to read EDC16C34 on Peugeot307 with Galleto and all was OK, but on Peugeot 407 with the same engine management system it isn't working. 407 is not listed in Galleto and only difference which i could find is communication on DLC.


Quote from: Archie on September 15, 2010, 01:24:00
Still have some problems. At the moment get working KWP2000 software, Digiprog and Galleto software. Its working fine with no probs. Can't get working CMD software. I have tried on several cars and getting the same trouble. I'm setting configurator to CMD, then going to CMD application, then choozing car, model etc.. Next coming up popup window with - connect interface to car...connecting and nothing happening. After some time it's coming up with can't connect and restart application. That's all what I can get. Do You have any suggestions about that? May be I have done something wrong with installation?
It's taking a long time getting thru all that, because I'm full time worker and our workshop is pretty busy and I still have no time to play with VAG software....maybe this week...
And one more qestion. What about CAN based cars? I have tried to read EDC16C34 on Peugeot307 with Galleto and all was OK, but on Peugeot 407 with the same engine management system it isn't working. 407 is not listed in Galleto and only difference which i could find is communication on DLC.

all software is brought "as is"
we are not developers of sw
as for CMD v1236 - you have to set system date to 2006

last time new modes has added
you can to update firmware in your adapter (
newest firmware -


Thanks for replay! I will try tomorrow!


Thanks for Your help! Get all things working, including VAG stuff.


Hi!I have some problems.No posible update firmware.Can i get procedure to update last firmware.Thanks.



Quote from: Admin on December 07, 2011, 23:12:28
format flash disk on CANtieCAR

Please how to update firmware on CANtieCAR.
i download CANtieCAR v2.x Firmware (BW:2.2.842/FW:2.2.2994)
How to upgrade ? i tried with usb cable and bluetooth the program always :
Waiting Connection...
Please help me.

yet another problem
on My Computer I do not see more flash disk..... ???


Quote from: msiclari2 on December 23, 2012, 19:06:08
Quote from: Admin on December 07, 2011, 23:12:28
format flash disk on CANtieCAR

Please how to update firmware on CANtieCAR.
i download CANtieCAR v2.x Firmware (BW:2.2.842/FW:2.2.2994)
How to upgrade ? i tried with usb cable and bluetooth the program always :
Waiting Connection...
Please help me.

yet another problem
on My Computer I do not see more flash disk..... ???

seems you have problem with built-in flash card
1. disassemble CANtieCAR
2. take flash-card
3. use card-reader (it may to require MicroSD to SD adapter)
4. format flash-card by SDFormater (
5. if card would not be formatted - buy new... (i am sorry)