Upgrade to CANtieCAR v5.0

Started by Oleksandr, October 29, 2023, 10:52:31


CANtieCAR v5.0 on stock now!
Project has been moved to new powerful Cortex M4 MCU.
If you have old CANtieCAR v1.x-v3.x, free transfer configuration to new CANtieCAR v5.0
(Fixed price is used for the upgrade).

Tune EMS

are you saying I can trade in my v3 for a v5?


Quote from: Tune EMS on November 01, 2023, 23:00:19
are you saying I can trade in my v3 for a v5?

But you will keep the old CANtieCAR v1.x-v3.x

Tune EMS

ok, what do i have to do to get this done? what is the process?


Quote from: Tune EMS on November 03, 2023, 23:39:30
ok, what do i have to do to get this done? what is the process?

send request to can@tiecar.net
- find CANtieCAR on COM-port
- press Copy to Buffer
- paste buffer in e-mail message


Hello, i wrote a email about this upgrade, did you got it ?